Why Pay Taxes? See How Not To-Just Kidding
by Arik Rozen, CPA
Imagine a world without taxes... Sounds nice, ha? Well, some people do not just dream, they make this dream come true. [ more ]
10 Items You Need For Your 2005 Tax Return
by Arik Rozen CPA
The following list includes the 10 items you are likely to need when preparing your tax return. Although you may be required to provide additional information, [ more ] |
Getting The Biggest Benefit From Tax Help
by Stephen Kreutzer
Taxes are a way of American life. They are own duty to pay and file. Many people go in search of someone to help them when tax time rolls around. Tax help seems to be in abundance from January 1st to April 15th [ more ]
Death & Taxes
by Willard Michlin
Have you ever owned a stock, or piece of real estate that you wanted to sell? You felt the time was right to take your profit and run. Did you then not follow through with the sale because "the taxes would kill you?" [ more ] |