ResourcesHow To Prepare Yourself To Become A Homeowner - If you are looking to get that all important first step on the property ladder, then you need to prepare yourself financially. APR Hidden Fine Print Nightmares - Most ads for credit cards push a variety of benefits you can enjoy - buying freedom, cash back, rewards and points. Competing for Real Estate in Chandler Arizona - Tracking Chandler Real Estate Trends to Get the Best Deal - This can be the best time to find a home in Chandler, Arizona. When the lenders are being tightfisted you can still get the best mortgage rates - It seems that everyone, even those of us who have never had a blemish on our credit records, is being hurt by the recent economic and housing fallout. When Interest Rates only tell Part of the Story Understanding Points - When home buyers are looking for a new mortgage, or going to refinance an existing one, they typically pay close attention to the interest rate associated with it. Homeowners Insurance How To Save Some Cash - How to save money when getting homeowner's insurance. Save Money When Buying A House By Getting Your Lock Commitment In Writing - Tip #25 in our series of 70 ways to save money when buying a house is to get the lock commitment in writing. What Do I Look For In A Home Im Buying Now If I Want To Resell It Later - Tips provided on what you should look for when purchasing a home to increase your chances of making your home more attractive for future resell. Choosing The Best Loan Institution - A description of what to look for when searching for a home loan institution that is right for your particular needs, as well as some of the danger signs to look out for.